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What We Do

Our Mission

At Anne's Place, our mission is to provide long-term supportive housing to people who, without our assistance, would be homeless.

Community Need

The need for housing is profound and steadily increasing. According to the Washington, DC Point in Time Count of homeless individuals in January 2023, 3,741 single adults were identified as homeless, marking an 11.6% increase from 2022. More concerning is the fact that the count included 219 adults aged 70 or above experiencing homelessness. As the Baby Boomer generation enters retirement, the corresponding segment of homeless Boomers is growing, highlighting the pressing issue of elderly homelessness. The acute care needs of aging homeless individuals surpass the current capacities of the shelter system.

The demand for mission-driven housing providers is on the rise. In a landscape where DC housing costs have surged without a proportional increase in wages, the gap between affordability and accessibility widens. This underscores the urgent necessity for more organizations like Anne's Place to address the growing demand for mission-driven housing solutions in Washington, DC.

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”

-Anne Frank

The housing need is increasing in DC. Anne's Place continues to provide permanent supportive housing.

  • The 2023 annual census of individuals experiencing homelessness saw an overall increase in DC from 2022.


  • Anne's Place provides stable housing.

    35+ years

Thank you to our partners!