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Sponsor & Partner

Our Partners

Anne's Place, Inc. thanks the following organizations for all they do to help us as we work together to end homelessness.

Community Organizations

Teachers at the Religious School partnered with us to the next generation advocates and solution-makers. In partnership with the religious school of Adas Israel Congregation, we have developed a curriculum to teach students about the importance of safe, stable housing.

  • Friendship Place. Provides Anne's Place residents with social services support
  • Holy Trinity Catholic Church. Provides financial assistance and opportunities to meet and speak with congregants 
  • The Way Home. DC’s citywide coalition that advocates for permanent supportive housing to end chronic homelessness


  • John Edward Fowler Foundation
  • Share Fund of the Community Foundation
  • Other Family Foundations

Legal Support

  • Venable LLP.  Provides pro- bono legal counsel to Anne's Place.


In-kind Donations

  • Andersen  Provides best in class pro bono tax services.
  • A Wider Circle. Provides furnishings for Anne Frank House apartments. 
  • Compass Pro-Bono. Provides expert analysis and project support in a variety of disciplines.

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”

-Anne Frank

The housing need is increasing in DC. Anne's Place continues to provide permanent supportive housing.

  • The 2023 annual census of individuals experiencing homelessness saw an overall increase in DC from 2022.


  • Anne's Place provides stable housing.

    35+ years

Thank you to our partners!